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Exercise And Weight Loss For You - 3 Tips

  Scientists and chemists have long sought a pill that would help people lose weight. And no wonder, such a pill would sell in amazing quantities. But the truth of the matter is that while some medications can have an impact on weight loss, you still need to do the work to lose weight.  There is an ongoing debate about whether food or exercise are the most important element for successful weight loss, but it's really an argument that does more harm than good. If both sides agree that both food and exercise play some role, then encouraging people to do both is the best way to improve people's overall health. Weight loss can only be accomplished in one way: burning more calories than your body needs. Nothing else can make you lose weight. Even medications for weight loss make use of this rule. So, what it comes down to is that you have to either eat fewer calories, burn more off through exercise or a combination of both.  Have you ever known people who can eat exactly what you ea

5 Day Diet Like Magic Your Slim And Trim

With all the diet plans, advice, and supplements on the market nowadays, it can be virtually impossible to figure out what works and what is all hype.  One option that has gotten a lot of buzz lately is the 5 day diet.  This diet will provide you with very quick results, which is pretty much required in our society these days.  The idea behind this program is that it will give people a kick start on their diet.  If they are able to see results quickly it may give them more of a push to continue on and lose all the weight they need to lose. 

This diet is very restrictive, it has to be if you are going to lose weight in just 5 days!  Here is an idea of what it's all about:

1. Right after you get up in the morning, don't wait longer than 30 minutes, eat a small amount of a starchy food like toast or eggs. 

2. Eat lunch no later than 1 p.m. Include some lean protein like beans or a steak and a lot of vegetables.  A mix of vegetables is the best way to go. 

3. Dinner must be eaten before 8p.m. and should be the same things you had for lunch.  

4. Snacks will be any type of 'hard' vegetable. Things like carrots, or celery are good choices.  These will slowly release sugar over a period of time which will keep your metabolism boosted. 

There are many opinions as to whether or not this type of diet actually works.  Most of us know that if we want to lose weight we can't starve our bodies since that will only send it into 'starvation mode' and slow the metabolism way down. 

When you take this fact into account it sounds like this diet won't work, and many people say that is the case.  Any weight you lose will only be water weight and  the weight loss won't be permanent.  

That may not be a problem if you just want to lose a few pounds so that you look great in that new dress you just bought.  For a quick weight loss a few pounds of water weight may be all you are looking to accomplish. 

Another way of looking at it is even if you have a lot of weight to lose, it might still help you get some much needed motivation by losing weight in just 5 days.  If you can accomplish that it might make your longer term goal to lose, 20,50,or even 100lbs seem more achievable and might just be the kick start you need. 

Others will say that if you cycle this extremely restrictive eating plan with a more reasonable plan you can actually 'trick' your metabolism into burning hot the whole time. 

Your body will take time to react to the restricted calorie intake.  If you only do it for 5 days and then immediately go back to a more normal caloric intake you may be able to prevent it from going into starvation mode in the first place. 

No matter what approach you choose for losing weight, whether it's the 5 day diet or something else, just remember that permanent weight loss is achievable and it will make your health, and life, better and more fulfilling. 


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